Did I say recently JJ was less messy now?!
On Saturday JJ had usual breakfast, avocado and sardines on toast and a scrummy veg and lentil curry with rice for tea. He also had a yogurt and thoroughly enjoyed licking the pot as you can tell by the photos!
On Sunday we travelled back to the coast to visit family for a couple of days. We set off after JJ's usual weetabix and banana breakfast. When we arrived we had a lovely Sunday Roast which, as always, JJ gobbled up.
For tea on Sunday he had egg sandwiches and some yogurt.
Today we were at JJ's other Granny and Grnadad's house to meet his baby cousin Grace (who is gorgeous!). He had Shredded Wheat (a mountain of) and a banana for breakfast and another egg sandwich for lunch with some grapes and cheese.
We travelled home in the afternoon and he had a quick tea of pasta with veggies, cream cheese and pesto. He was VERY slow eating it and didn't eat a huge amount. I did make 2 apples worth of cinnamon apples as I fancied some but he ended uo eating it all!
I am really hoping he figures out to get up an hour later now the clocks have changed!