Monday, 29 October 2007

Weekend at Nanna and Grandad's

Did I say recently JJ was less messy now?!

On Saturday JJ had usual breakfast, avocado and sardines on toast and a scrummy veg and lentil curry with rice for tea. He also had a yogurt and thoroughly enjoyed licking the pot as you can tell by the photos!

On Sunday we travelled back to the coast to visit family for a couple of days. We set off after JJ's usual weetabix and banana breakfast. When we arrived we had a lovely Sunday Roast which, as always, JJ gobbled up.

For tea on Sunday he had egg sandwiches and some yogurt.

Today we were at JJ's other Granny and Grnadad's house to meet his baby cousin Grace (who is gorgeous!). He had Shredded Wheat (a mountain of) and a banana for breakfast and another egg sandwich for lunch with some grapes and cheese.

We travelled home in the afternoon and he had a quick tea of pasta with veggies, cream cheese and pesto. He was VERY slow eating it and didn't eat a huge amount. I did make 2 apples worth of cinnamon apples as I fancied some but he ended uo eating it all!

I am really hoping he figures out to get up an hour later now the clocks have changed!

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Lasagne with friends

JJ had the usual breakfast and had cheesy beans on toast for his lunch. He really likes beans! (we get the low sugar and salt variety which taste surprisingly normal!).

For tea we had lasagne and some friends came over. JJ enjoyed his but was a bit put off by other children being at the table. He also took twice as long to eat his as everybody else (despite the fact that I know he can eat quicker - he just likes to take his time!). He had some banana and custard for pudding followed by even more lasagne!

JJ's absolute favourite things at the minute are:
Dancing - he loves it - he bends one knee and points the opposite hand in the air raver style! So cute - wil try to get a video.
Chasing a ball - he bashes it all over the floor and follows it giggling to himself.
Boxes - putting things in and emptying boxes
Books - can't get enough of turning the pages!

Thursday, 25 October 2007


It was weetabix for breakfast and some croissant then JJ had smoked mackerel and cream cheese on toast for lunch. He didin't seem overly hungry though.

For tea he joined us in Jambalaya (a spicy rice dish with chicken and chorizo). It is mine and dh's favourite but we haven't given it to JJ before as it is a bit spicy but tonight he gobbled up a whole bowlful without much mess and seemed to really enjoy it. He had some bread with it and yogurt for pudding. Yum!

Wednesday, 24 October 2007


Who needs hair gel when you have moussaka!

JJ had banana ready break for breakfast today and really enjoyed it.

Lunch was his favourite - egg mayonaise sandwiches and cherry tomatoes. He loved them as usual but once again took ages to eat his lunch.

For tea JJ had something new - moussaka. He seemed to enjoy it and got very orange! He also had a whole cinnamon apple.

His top tooth is very nearly through so I hope it doesn't put him off his food when it makes an appearance.

JJ eating his egg sandwiches....

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Mushroom pasta

JJ had weetabix and a crumpet for breakfast (couldn't give him 2 weetabix as we ran out of milk!).

For lunch he had a cheesy pitta - but it was possbly the longest lunch ever - took him a whole hour to eat one pitta and a banana.

For tea he wolfed down a bowl of mushroom pasta and had a yogurt for pud. He seemed to really enjoy his food today.

Monday, 22 October 2007


JJ had a good breakfast today of some oatibix, toast, banana and grapes. For lunch he had 2 whole crumpets, a big chunk of cheese and some grapes and he loved every mouthful!

Tea tonight was cumberland sausage, mashed potato, cauliflower and carrots which he really enjoyed although he wasn't in a carrot mood tonight! This was followed by some stewed dried apricots which I blended and mixed with natural yogurt. He loved it - I couldn't get it to him quick enough. He is so good with yogurt now - hardly makes any mess (unlike the yogurt explosions when we first started!) he licks it off the spoon and the hands his spoon back for another go. He also likes to try to get it with the spoon himself but he isn't too good....yet! He is actually so much less messy in general than he was - I only realise this when I look back at the (thousands of) old photos!

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Appetite back!

JJ had pasta for lunch on friday but barely ate any Grrrrrr! He seemed to cry when food touched his top gums so I think it might be the teeth finally coming through. He had some sweet potato and veggies for tea and he did have a little bit more.

I was ill Friday night and all day Sturday so I don't really know what JJ ate but he did apparantly eat a bit more which was great. I however ate nothing!!

Today has been a much better day. He had a bigger breakfast of oatibix, toast and grapes.
His nanna and grandad were over for the day and we went out for a lovely Sunday lunch. He was so good and ate lots of everything - he especially liked the purple cabbage, turkey and yorkshire puds. He ate for ages though and we all got a bit bored of waiting!

For tea he had liver and apple casserole with cous cous. He quite enjoyed it and even managed to have it in a bowl on his tray and didn't throw it off!! Normally if we put a bowl near him it gets thrown on the floor. He also played about with his spoons. He had yogurt and banana for pud and a few of this week's favourites...grapes.

It is lovely to have him back on track with his eating and his nose has finally stopped running!!!

Thursday, 18 October 2007

No appetite

Yesterday JJ had the usual breakfast but ate very little. He had the usual Wednesday philly on toast and fruit but again only had a little bit. For tea he had chicken fajitas without the spices with a cheesy potato. He didn't eat loads but a bit.

Today was another barely eaten breakfast. We went for lunch in Waggamammas but he wouldn't eat any of the chicken or noodles I gave him he just spat them out. He then had an explosive poo (sorry TMI! but could explain the lack of appetite) and we had to shop for some trousers to put back on him!!! He ate almost nothing for tea - a tiny bit of sweet potato, a couple of bite of omlette and that was it! Can;t wait to get my little boy back on track.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Sorry we're late!

We have had internet problems still and we went away for the weekend. JJ has also has a tummy bug and his dad has been away for a few days so it has been rather hectic.

Until he got poorly he was eating LOTS. One night he had some raisins, 2 jacket potatoes, beans, 3 large homemade parmesan chicken gougons (didn't think he would manage these as they we quite crispy), rice pudding, a frozen yogurt tube and half a banana! Since his tummy bug he has eaten much less and is still not really eating well.

Today for breakfast he had a few oatibix, lunch was half a slice of eggy bred and half a pear and for tea he had a little bit of pasta, veg and pesto.

Fingers crossed he will be back on full form soon. I will try harder to keep posting more often I promise!

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Mixed bag - big appetite!

Sorry for the late post but we are having lots of problems with the internet at home - dodgy router - it will work very intermittently if at all. It's working now, fingers crossed, so I will try to recap.

JJ has eaten pretty well over the past few days. Can't remember exactly when he had these but we have had roast chicken dinner - he loved it, fish pie which was another big hit, liver casserole which he ate loads of, scrambled egg, plum crumble, various bits of fruit, driedprunes, apple and sultanas and veggie muffins. We had a trip shopping to meadowhall (I took some of the muffins I baked for lunch and he ate really well) and a few playdates. He still has a horrid cold and runny nose so I am surprised he has eaten as well as he has.

Today he had wheatabix for breakfast, scrambled egg and toast for lunch with a banana, and pasta and a yogurt for tea. He also had snacks of rice cakes and dried fruit.

Hopefully I will be back on track soon but probably need to buy a new router - bummer!

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Lamb tagine

Yesterday JJ had very little for breakfast - just kept casually flinging things over the edge of the high chair.

For lunch he had the usual Wednesday philly on toast, avocado, watermelon, plum and yogurt.

For tea we had baked tuna risotto which JJ loved and ate absolutely loads!

Today JJ had oatibix and branflakes for his breakfast and quite a bit of banana.

Lunch was tuna on french bread, cucumber, tomato and plum.

For tea we had lamb tagine with cous cous. JJ seemed to like this a lot but couldn't shovel it in as quickly as he can some other foods so found it a little frustrating. He has started doing this really funny thing when he is getting frustrated or fed up where he clenches his fists in the air and tenses but pulls a really comedy face. He has realised it makes us laugh and keeps doing it but it still has us in stitches every time! He managed a bit of yogurt for pud but not much before he was taken to be hosed down!

Monday, 1 October 2007



JJ had his usual breakfast today of oatibix and fruit.

For lunch he had a wholemeal cheey pitta bread with some fruit for pudding - nectarine I think!

Tea was a bit of an experiment. I made a butternut squash curry (very mild) and he quite enjoyed it. We had it with jacket potatoes as we weren't in the mod for rice. He also did quite well with his fork - I was stabbing bits for him and he was eating them off the fork (rather than pulling them off like he did last time!). The forks we use are ikes plastic ones - 18 knives, forks and spoons for about £1 - fab! He also was offered mashed banana and yogurt but didn't want any.

Other news: JJ is able to put shapes into his shape sorter now - well he can't et them in the right holes but he just sort of drops them onto the holes and they go in. He also went to a soft play centre and had a brilliant time, crawling and climbing around.