Thursday, 4 October 2007

Lamb tagine

Yesterday JJ had very little for breakfast - just kept casually flinging things over the edge of the high chair.

For lunch he had the usual Wednesday philly on toast, avocado, watermelon, plum and yogurt.

For tea we had baked tuna risotto which JJ loved and ate absolutely loads!

Today JJ had oatibix and branflakes for his breakfast and quite a bit of banana.

Lunch was tuna on french bread, cucumber, tomato and plum.

For tea we had lamb tagine with cous cous. JJ seemed to like this a lot but couldn't shovel it in as quickly as he can some other foods so found it a little frustrating. He has started doing this really funny thing when he is getting frustrated or fed up where he clenches his fists in the air and tenses but pulls a really comedy face. He has realised it makes us laugh and keeps doing it but it still has us in stitches every time! He managed a bit of yogurt for pud but not much before he was taken to be hosed down!

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