Monday, 22 October 2007


JJ had a good breakfast today of some oatibix, toast, banana and grapes. For lunch he had 2 whole crumpets, a big chunk of cheese and some grapes and he loved every mouthful!

Tea tonight was cumberland sausage, mashed potato, cauliflower and carrots which he really enjoyed although he wasn't in a carrot mood tonight! This was followed by some stewed dried apricots which I blended and mixed with natural yogurt. He loved it - I couldn't get it to him quick enough. He is so good with yogurt now - hardly makes any mess (unlike the yogurt explosions when we first started!) he licks it off the spoon and the hands his spoon back for another go. He also likes to try to get it with the spoon himself but he isn't too good....yet! He is actually so much less messy in general than he was - I only realise this when I look back at the (thousands of) old photos!

1 comment:

Em said...

Hes doing so well, Billy would have eaten the sausages and that it at the monent. Since turning 1yr hes become so fussy! Glad JJ's got his appitite back!