Thursday 2 August 2007

A whole lot of pasta!!

JJ had quite a good breakfast today - Oatibix are definitely his favourite at the minute.

For lunch JJ had some veggie nuggets (the last of my stash), an apricot, some ham and some tomato. He barely ate a thing - I put this down to his teeth and needing the loo half way through.

He made up for it this tea time though as he munched his way through a mountain of pasta with cheese sauce (I froze a couple of portions of sauce from the last lot I made and it worked really well). He had almost as much as I would eat! He also had a fair bit of broccoli and some carrot. He even licked out the bowl (see the video - so cute). This must be his favourite meal.


Laura said...

just been watching some of your videos. JJ is so cute! He seems to have a great appetite!
Our daughter, Phoebe, was born in January and we've recently started BLW (and a blog) so its really great to get ideas from other people. It looks like you've made some really yummy food recently. I'm getting a bit stuck for ideas - Phoebe's been a bit off her food and fussy since she was sick a couple of weeks ago. Her appetite seems small but i don't know if she's just being picky about what she eats.
Anyway, loving reading your blog and watching the vids.

Laura (our blw blog)

mumlollipop said...

Hi Laura,
Just checked out your blog - love it! It looks like Phoebe is doing really well - JJ doesn't usually eat very much - just when it's pasta!
Thanks for your comment - keep me posted with how you're doing.
P.S. we have the river nene veg box too - do you live near by - we are in Leicestershire.