Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Yummy pork and pasta

JJ had the usual for breakfast.

For lunch he had some broccoli (oh how he loves broccoli!) pork and carrot and baked apple wedges with cinnamon - he seemed to enjoy his lunch.

For tea I made a cheese sauce and JJ had it with pasta - wow - he gobbled it up sooo fast! He loved it! I also gave him some banana and he ate a lot of that too, and most of a yogurt. A very successful tea!

Other news - JJ has taken to babbling this week and sounds sooo cute.

2 comments: said...

Hi, stumbled accross your blog somehow when looking for some BLW info. It's really useful - just starting to wean and am going to do a mix of BLW and 'normal' type weaning I think.

mumlollipop said...

Glad the blog is of some help - I found other blogs really useful when thinking about BLW so that's why I wrote this one. Good luck with the weaning - feel free to post the ups and downs!
Laura xx