Saturday, 14 July 2007

Spiced squash

Breakfast was some wheatabix today which I mushed up with milk and let him feed him self like I do with yogurts. He managed ok but wasn't too impressed and when I put some shredded wheat on his tray he gobbled them up so I guess he prefers them. He also had some banana which as always had a mediocre reception.

Lunch was some steamed carrot, courgette and potato which he really wasn't interested in but did eat some. He had hiccoughs which didn't help and he has a horrid cold so I out it down to this. He has a habit at the minute of squishing food repeatedly in his hand and watching himself do it (all learning I guess) which is what happened to most of lunch.

Tea was a big success. JJ had some of our spiced butternut squash casserole which was flavoured with cumin, coriander and turmeric and he loved it (me and his dad thought the squash was a bit bland!). He also had a yogurt for pudding and had almost the whole pot (well not counting what was smeared over him and his highchair!).

He was also very close to eating some squash out of his palm.


michelle said...


JJ seems to be doing really well! Do you think he is eating quite a lot now or still just playing?

My lo certainly seems to be chewing now and the nappy is evidence that something is going down but I think she is still spitting out most of what she has?

We have been giving her cheese straws, pear, plum and yogurt recently. She certainly seems to love yogurt and the plum!


mumlollipop said...

It varies what he actually eats but his nappies seem full of digested food so I know he is eating quite a lot. There is always loads that he drops so it can be hard to tell but I do put a lot on his tray to allow for this. There are times when I feel he has had a lot and others when it seems he has hardly eaten anything - just played with it! But I am sure if he is hungry he will eat and vice versa - just like when he breast feeds.

JJ likes plum too - he puts a quarter in his mouth and a few mins later spits out a perfectly stripped skin - wicked.

You will probably notice you lo eating more and more and the nappies will show this!

Good luck with it!