JJ tried ready break for breakfast this morning. I spoke to the HV yesterday and she said that JJ's shredded wheat may not be enough and that the fruit he eats too doesn't count as it must be cereal. When I asked why she said it was because of the iron and vitamins added to things like wheatabix...what did the world do pre fortified cereals I ask! She also said that babies his age usually eat 1 1/2 wheatabix for breakfast - I don't think JJ usually eats that much. So I thought I would try some ready break for JJ to try like he eats yogurt. Well he hated it - and I can't blame him really. He was reaching on his tray like he wanted his usual so that's what he had (and bitesize Oatibix does have the added goodies!!).
He had his usual amount - I decided to stop worrying as I just don't think he is that hungry at breakfast - he doesn't have that much milk from me either. Gonna chill out and remind myself how well he is doing and he will eat what he needs as he has always done.
For lunch he had some potato and fish pie which we had last night and he loved it - he ate lots! He also had some nectarine but after a bowl full of pie he had no room left!
For tea he had some cheesy pasta again with some veggies. I bought some of the steamfresh packs for quick fixes and they were great - ready really quickly. Probably not as good as fresh but frozen does come pretty close nowadays (although not organic but never mind!). He enjoyed it but didn't really eat that much but he did enjoy his yogurt.
Hi, I've recently start BLW with my daughter Ruby born Dec 26th 2006! We've only been doing in just over a week as she had a few weeks of puree. She's enjoying it and I'm much more relaxed.
Nice to find someone else doing it especially with baby so close in age to mine.
Hi Rachel,
Glad to hear you are enjoying BLW...we love it! What made you swap from purees?
Love the name Ruby by the way- If I had a little girl I would like to call her Ruby but we called our dog it instead! (before things like children's names entered our heads!) such a cute name x
Just the stress of puree. I would spend so long getting it the right consistency and then she would refuse to eat it!
I had planned on doing BLW when I was pregnant but I chickened out.
Yes we always liked the name Lucy so we gave it to the cat!
Bloody health visitors! The would scare the shit out of most people! Your little boy is doing great and dont let them tell you any different! he eats more fruit than most adults and a hugely varied diet.
I have a cow and gate iron chart i copied off my HV i can email it you, if you like(esbrown@btinternet.com)
Hi again!
When you let JJ have pie etc how do you serve it up to him? Do you put it straight on his tray and let him eat it with his fingers or do you load up a spoon for him?
Just interested as we haven't tried anything like this yet apart from yoghurt which I load on a spoon for her.
OOhhhh so exciting getting lots of comments!
Rachel- glad you have now got the confidence to give it a go and that its going well - keep me posted!
Em - I came to the same conclusion! The chart would be great - will email you - thanks x
Michelle - hi! Yeah I just put it on his tray - He wouldn't/couldn't eat this kind of thing at first but I tried again the other day and he picked it up and wolfed it down! The fish and potato pie was a bit too sloppy for JJ but I mixed it with some fresh breadcrumbs to thicken it up so it was stiff enough for him to pick up which worked really well. A good one to start with could be lentils (the recipe I used to make lentil cakes would be good as it was quite stiff). Let me know if you want me to email a recipe x
Laura xx
Hi Laura,
I would love a copy of the receipe for the lentils thanks. I have never been one for spending much time in the kitchen but its funny how you feel different about it when it comes to feeding your baby!
I made turkey twisters yesterday that I think I found on aitch's site. She didn't think much of them to be honest but the cats did?!?!
Hi Michelle,
I adapted this from a recipe on aitch's site:
1 onion finely chopped and 1 small clove garlic chopped/grated - fry off in some oil until soft. I addedd half a teaspoon of ground corriander and half a teaspoon of ground cumin and fried for another minute. I then added 125g red lentils and 400ml of weak veg stock (used less powder/stock cube then they suggest to keep the salt down). Let this bubble until the water is gone (about 10-15 mins I think. Check the lentils are soft (if not add a splash of water and cook a bit longer) and remove from the heat. I then whizzed up 3 slices of bread into crumbs, spread them on a baking tray for a few mins to dry a bit and mixed these into the lentils. This made a nice thick mash - you could add a bit at a time until you get the texture you want. I made it into cakes and baked it but they were a bit dry and JJ seems to prefer the mash texture now. I will try this again with some extras added - perhaps some grated carrot, fresh herbs, cheese, whatever really! I think you could freeze what she didn't eat for another time.
Let me know how she gets on.
Thanks laura.
Will let you know how we get on!
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