Thursday, 16 August 2007

Seaside fun!

JJ's daddy gave him breakfast today as I was packing to go to the seaside for a couple of days with some friends. He had the usual plus some rather juicy watermelon (judging by the colour of his sleepsuit).

Lunch was unfortunately another omlette! We arrived at my parents where we are house sitting and there wasn't much BLW friendly food in so an omlette it was and he ate the lot despite having a big BF just before. He also ate a fair few blueberries.

After an afternoon on the rather windy yet pleasant beach, JJ enjoyed his favourite pasta with cheese sauce and just about ate his own body weight in pasta! He also had some mango and a few more blueberries for good measure.

He then had a bath with his friends Lola and Rosie which he found very exciting! We might even have an ice cream tomorrow! (bad mummy!!)


Anonymous said...


* said...

Just trying this out. Have just found your blog and am finding it a godsend. Have been trying blw with my son Vincent for a week now and not going all that well. He is six mionths and I think the frustration of him not really taking to anything is compounded by the fact that he is waking every 2 hours from midnight when he used to only wake once....does this get better as the eating does?

Love the videos of JJ... he is so cute... must take some of Vincent.
Thanks again

mumlollipop said...

Hi Anne-marie

Glad you have found the blog helpful. It is quite slow going in the early days. Looking back JJ ate so little back then compared to now. But they do get there gradually. Some babies don't start eating anything for a few weeks but go on to be good eaters.
I have found that JJ's food has had very little effect on his sleeping. Sometime he wakes a lot and sometimes sleeps through, regardless of what he has eaten. Could it just be coincidence? I know that a lot of JJ's friends have gone through a bad sleeping patch around this age - there is so much that can effect the sleep around then (teeth, getting used to solids, learning new skills).

I hope that you and Vincent enjoy your BLW journey - there will be ups and downs I am sure - let me know how you're getting along!
Laura x