I got adventurous for breakfast today and tried to make a ready brek pancake in the porridge pancake style from Aith's blog - basically just thick readybrek nuked and allowed to set. JJ didn't even entertain it and I can't blame him as it was gross! So he had some of my toast and some nectarine.
Daddy was in charge at lunch as I was out so JJ had everything that was in the fridge!! I think he had some of the leftover pancakes, some leftover turkey sausages, breastick and yogurt - ate a little bit of each bt the dog had most of it!
For tea JJ had some of our tuna pasta - he loved it! I had used a mix of round and spirally pasta and it was so funny to see JJ chasing the spirals round the tray as they were his favourite! He also had some nectarine for pud.
He is getting really good at drinking from his doidy cup which we got yesterday - much less spillage - I din't have to change his clothes today (oh - maybe coz we srtripped him for each feed!)
Check out this video of JJ letting us know he has had enough of his tea - never done this before...
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