Do you think he likes it?
More please mummy!
Butter wouldn't melt
Shredded wheat for breakfast again with some mango. JJ had some more pasta for lunch with some bread and philly which received an average reception. But then we moved on the the yogurt - well - he loved it! We loaded the spoon and he grabbed it from us and sucked it in and spread it all over his face! He had the Rachel's Little Organics which seem to have no junk in them and are not too sweet (no sugar). The pictures speak for them selves. Me and hubby had to do paper, scissors, stone to decided who cleaned him up - in the end it was a 2 person job!
How did he like the mango? That was a huge hit with our daughter. Haven't tried yoghurt yet (most of her cousins and her uncle are a bit sensitive to dairy so we thought we'd wait on that until she's one, so soon).
I think the whole clean up issue is why I have been a little half hearted about the BLW method. It's so much easier to give her bite sized pieces (now that she's got the pincer thing sorted) or hold the spoon and let her "guide" it. Also my husband usually is in charge at dinner time and he's a bit of a wimp about messy fingers and more nervous about the gagging/choking thing...
I've been giving her messier stuff earlier in the day so that it's just us two (no grossing out daddy), and after eating we can throw the clothes in the wash and jump in the bath.
Well we tried a prune this morning which she really seemed to love?!?
Evidence in the nappy this evening that some had been swallowed as well so I guess thats her first food!
Had a small dried apricot this afternoon but I think it was a bit tough...
Going to try some carrot tomorrow and see how she likes that...
Hi Iris,
He loves mango - had it once before. The yogurt was mango flavour too! Cleaning up is a pain but the fun of watching him eat outweighs it for me! Luckily my husband is not phased by mess - good job living with me!
I'm sure they will get less messy? Who knows - fingers crossed. Theres not much that can't be fixed with a flannel and some baby wipes (the dog helps to clean the floor!). We want some pvc long sleeved bibs too to make things easier.
Hi Michelle
Glad she liked the prune - JJ likes dates which i guess are similar - they have a nice texture.
Carrot generally goes down well here but JJ tends to bite big bits off and then spit them out - but some does make it through! He can't nibble - only shovel things in!
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