Thursday, 28 June 2007


JJ tried some pasta today. I made a simple tomato sauce with some garlic, onions, pepper and added some grated cheese. He sucked and sucked but didn't get the hang of biting and chewing it. He was very orange by the end of the meal. He got a bit frustrated as he hadn't had his milk feed as we were at Tesco's and then he fell asleep. Normally we have lunch about 1 hour after his bf which means he isn't too hungry and is more patient. Another lesson learnt!
We have also started helping JJ to drink straight from a cup as he was not really drinking much with a spout. It is rather messy but he is getting more water (I think!). We are going to get a doidy cup to try.


michelle said...


Well we have tried some avacado and asparagus recently along with some organix biscotti.

She still only seems to be playing and not actually eating anything? Its another 10 days before she is actually 6 months so I guess thats not too surprising?

Not giving her food everyday, just when she is awake at lunch time. Once we get to 6 months and she can have toast etc I will probably start her with breakfast each morning.

I know it sounds odd but I am really looking foward to the first nappy that shows me she has actually eaten something!

mumlollipop said...

Still not tried avocado or asparagus - I just wait and see what's in the veg box!

Jacob eats very little of what we give him but it is always more than I think judging by the nappies. It is exciting to see - we are sad aren't we - ahhh the glamorous life of a mum!

Glad its going well
Laura x