Thursday, 14 June 2007

Revenge of the sweet potato!

Well - the title says it all. We have had 3 sweet potato nappies before 8 am today!! Is it sad that I was a little excited to see how much he ate! That boy can swallow some pretty big chunks of cucumber too! How do I remain so cheery at such an early start and the prolific poo production I hear you ask......well JJ slept through for only the second time ever last night ....hurrah!


Em said...

great news on the sleep, think we were about 8months. Wait until it sweetcorn - lol! there is a blw group feel free to join

mumlollipop said...

Hi, Thanks for the tip I have just joined - but did end up spending lots of time reading the posts when I should be marking exam papers. Never mind!! Will look forward to the sweetcorn - lol!