JJ tried some dates today (nice big soft ones) and was quite interested by them - he sucked on them until they got lost in his palms! He also had banana again but wasn't too fussed by this. He did really like some bits of crusty bread dipped in my veggie soup though. He was sooooo messy today, he really did rub sticky date and banana hands all over his head and face! I must say though he doesn't seem to throw much on the floor (and what he does gets eaten by our dog who is by far the biggest fan of BLW so far!!)
For those of you who are interested....still no poo!! (well two tiny bits but don't think they count!) Not sure if this is because of the food or not. JJ seems completely normal and not bothered at all, he doesn't seem bloated and is doing plenty of wees. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!
Hi, I've been looking around at stuff on baby-led weaning again because of all the sudden attention it's been getting in the press the last few days (I wrote a blog post if you want to visit). I happened to stumble upon your blog and thought I'd say hello.
My daughter's 11 months old. I haven't followed the baby-led weaning guidelines quite as strictly as I think you are but was really impressed with the philosophy and have taken it on board so I'm loving seeing what other mums and babies are doing.
Our little girl definitely poos less since being on solids. Actually she didn't poo at all Tuesday or Wednesday (usually she goes once a day sometimes twice), finally did this evening. We've been doing some limited elimination communication with her since she was a few months old and I've noticed that chewing often helps her push stuff out (whether on food or a toy or a finger)!
As for things that might help her go. Hydration is really important so plenty of nursing (assuming you're still breastfeeding, I think I read that in one of your posts). The dates might help! I think I've heard that bananas can actually be binding which I wouldn't have expected. Try stewed prunes that usually works here and she loves the taste. I do puree them and give with a spoon for my daughter. If she doesn't go for them in bigger pieces you could spread some pureed on some finger food. You don't need much -- after all a prune is a whole plum.
One site I came across in my reading today was this baby led weaning blog. It's kept by two mums using BLW. Have you seen it? It looks like a great resource -- plenty of other mums commenting with their experiences, recipes etc.
(Sorry I meant if he doesn't go for the prunes in bigger pieces, it's late I should be sleeping. I guess if he sucked on an apricot he might do the same with a prune -- maybe cut one in half so he can get the juice out?)
Glad you like the blog! Thanks for the prunes tip - like you I was hoping the prunes might do the trick but still waiting! He often goes a few days between so not too worried as he seems fine but will get some advice today.
Yeah I have seen the blog you mentioned and have read lots of it - it was reading that and a couple of others which made me decide to write this.
I have also recently joined a BLW message group which is good - here's the link if you fancy it
Keep popping back to see how we're getting on and offer advice! (will have a look at yours now)
Laura x
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