Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Butternut squash

Jacob missed his lunch yesterday as he was fast asleep at lunch time and we were busy in the afternoon. He didn't seem to notice and he doesn't really eat anything anyway so he isn't 'hungry' for dinner as such. Also he has not had much movement down below recently! Nothing for almost a week (well a teeny, tiny bit today) so we thought a day off for his tummy may help. He doesn't seem bothered by it at all so I guess we will just wait and see!

Today he had some roasted butternut squash. He seemed to enjoy it and was very good at picking up the smaller bits and putting them in his mouth. He seemed to roll the bits around in his mouth for longer and kind of chew them whereas in the past he has been so excited he just stuffed things in again and again! He didn't have very much or 'eat' for very long but he enjoyed it. Today was the first time really that he lost interest and just sat and watched us eat - so he definitely knows when he has had enough.


michelle said...


Well we seem to have come to a bit of a halt at the moment as there is so much going on.

Today I bought a mango and avocado for her to try for lunch tomorrow.

Do you peel everything first? I seem to remember reading somewhere that you should peel it first but surely its easier to hold with a bit of skin??

mumlollipop said...


I did leave some skin on half the mango strips at first but it was typical that this was the end JJ would try to put in his mouth so in the end I took it off - so we tend to peel everything now. JJ LOVED mango (it is quite slippery though) - not tried avocado yet but its nice and soft so should be good. Let me know how you get on!

Laura x