Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Fun video!

Snacks in the park

Yeay! Salmon for tea

JJ has been eating fairly well over the past couple of weeks. Fish is a big favourite at the moment with salmon being top of the list! He has also taken a liking to Organix gingerbread men (although we try to keep his sweet snacks to a minimum but he knows where they are kept and he knows what he wants!).

I have added a very cute video of JJ eating his tea. It shows quite well where he is up to with his fork too. He isn't normally so excitable at meal times but it was salmon for tea which I think sent him into a frenzy! In fact he ate his fillet of slamon in about 30 seconds and then kept shouting more and pointing at this daddy's so ended up having another half!

JJ has been a bit more challenging behaviour wise recently. He has become very clingy to me at home which is driving everybody mad. He is fine if I am not there but the second he sees me he starts whinging and wanting to be picked up. I have read this is a common stage and that it passes but I really hope it passes soon. To add to this we are doing some major work to the house - re-arranging the whole ground floor and this just adds to the chaos! Because the kitchen will be out of action for a while, me and JJ are heading to my Mum's for a few days while his daddy works on it.


Em said...

havent looked for a while and hes grown so much! Love the pic of him with his winter coat, such a little boy

Rayhana said...

wow, he's grown since I last saw his pics!
my lo is also BLW-ed, but he doesn't quite eat like JJ does.. he's in a very picky stage atm, and it's quite frustrating i must say..!
how did you do it that JJ just eats all that you give him?!
pray tell!