Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Mushroom risotto

JJ had a lie in this morning until 7.30 this morning which is a minor miracle!! I work on Wednesdays so I missed his breakfast but I am told it was the usual.

Lunch was french bread, chicken (lots of), blueberries, and other yummies.

I made a mushroom risotto for tea and JJ loved it. He ate a big bowl full with some bread and had another Frube and some fruit for pudding.

I forgot to mention that he has also had a big top tooth and another bottom tooth come through in the last week.

1 comment:

Laura McIntyre said...

Congrats on the tooth, can you belive at 6 days before she turns one my baby still only has two?

The risotto sounds lovely, i love love risotto esp Murshroom but noone else (well im assuming the girls would) would eat it