Sunday, 16 September 2007

sweetcorn and fish and chips

JJ had Oatibix and cornfalkes with some plum for breakfast again today which went down quite well.

Lunch was another success. JJ had lots of sweetcorn for lunch - he has never really been that fused on it before but he ate bucket loads of it today! He also had cheesy wholemean pitta and some friut.
For tea JJ had fish and chips - baked cod which he quite liked and some chunky home made oven chips, along with broccoli and yogurt and banana for pud. He didn't eat as much as he did for lunch and he is still obsessed with dropping food over the edge of his high chair and smililng when it makes a splat sound. He also like to bite into the end of the chip and then shake the bit that was hanging off until it fell. He would then pick it up and eat it - every time!

Other news - JJ is getting about all over the place and is standing up on everything possible - radiators, sofas, toys and trying to climb the stairs - he is having so much funn. He also like to roll a ball and crawl after it then roll it again etc! He seems more settled and is sleeping a little better.


Laura McIntyre said...

Yah on the moving, would be on nappy watch today sweetcorn is terrible for it

mumlollipop said...

Yup sweetcorn nappies galore - can't inagine there is much more to come!!!