Friday 7 September 2007

More Pasta!

Silly photos as I haven't taken many food ones lately!

JJ looking funny with his Bumgenius nappy on his head

Eating the cat toy in the cat bed! His first crawling adventure!

JJ with his Nanna x

So cute!

JJ had 1 and a half weetabix for breakfast but didn't seem that hungry (could have been something to do with a huge bf in the middle of the night - grrrr).

Lunch was a cheese pitta, home grown cherry tomato and cucumber and some yogurt and banana. It was a bit rushed really as we were due to meet our friends.

For tea we all had pasta - again! This is becaues JJ's daddy is in a very big race tomorrow (the Vitruvian half Iron Man: 1900m swim, 84km bike and 21km run) and is carbo-loading so we were too! We had pasta in a creamy tuna sauce yum - he loved the mushrooms today.

In general he hasn't seemed very hungry today but ate a reasonable amount.

Will let you know how JJ's daddy gets on tomorrow (if I'm not too tired from him gettingup at 4:30 to start his race at 6.30!!!) Good luck Johnny!!!xxx

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