Wednesday, 5 September 2007


JJ has Weetabix for breakfast most days now and he seems to love it. He manages 2!

Lunch was quesadillas with Nanna and Grandad. He loved them - he had ham, cheese and grated carrot, followed by plum for afters.

Tea was lasagne for the firts time and he adored every orange mouthful! He polished of a sizeable chunk along with carrots and green beans. He was covered from head to toe in orange and had to be plonked straight in the bath.


Laura McIntyre said...

Would loved to have seen pictures of the lasagne, how does he take the weetabix? We have done it a few times with just a little milk to turn to mush which she feeds herself(with fingers)

mumlollipop said...

Camera battery is a bit dodgy at the minute and it was out of battery! Must get it sorted.
We break the weetabix into 4 or 5 pieces and dunk them quickly in milk, let it drain a bit and he picks it up and eats it - just like the bitesize oatibix really but a bit mushier.