Saturday, 29 September 2007

Egg sandwiches

JJ had ready break with banana for breakfast and loved every messy minute of it!

For lunch he had egg sandwiches. He hasn't had normal sandwiches before - just things on bread, but he loved them and ate lots. He also had nectarine and raisins.

For tea we had roasted veggies with pasta and a tomato and garlic sauce. He really enjoyed it and had fruit for pudding.


Laura McIntyre said...

Good eating day, we do sandwhiches alot around here for lunch.Something unmessy and quick and that my eldest will actually eat.

Rayhana said...

what IS your darling lo eating? he's really gulping it down really fast huh! such an adorable video!

mumlollipop said...

Hi Rayhana,
It's banana porridge - he doesn't have it very often but always enjoys it!