Friday, 10 August 2007

Woops! Sorry we're late!

Sorry for the delay but we have been back home ot visit the grandparents and couldn't post while we were away. Think I can remember...

Tuesday - usual breakfast, then some yummy spinach, carrot and cheese muffins which I baked - sound gross but tasted lovely and JJ had 1 and a half for his lunch with some fruit.

For tea he had mackerel and cheese tarts and grated carrot - he was not impressed by the carrot. He would go to pick it up and then pull a disgusted face, drop it and eat something else.

Wednesday we were at JJ's nanna and grandad's house - usual breakfast, lunch was another muffin with some fruit - he wasn't very interested in either. For tea he had pasta and cheese sauce - another of his favourites but again he wasn't very interested. He did enjoy a few grapes though and managed to drink from his doidy on his own (and then threw water all over himself which me and his Nanna found highly amusing!).

Thursday was again not very successful on the food front but we had a lovely time at JJ's aunty Kelly's wedding! He had some cheesy mash, broccoli and carrot for lunch - he loved the broccoli. He had very little for tea as it was bits and bobs from the buffet but he was more interested in playing with his cousins - never mind!

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