Saturday, 11 August 2007

Sweet potato cake, more sleep eating!

JJ had the usual breakfast and ate quite a bit.

For lunch JJ had a sweet potato cake (left over baked sweet potato mashed up, coated in breadcrumbs and fried in butter) which he loved. He also had the first of my home grown courgettes, a million blueberries and some watermelon. He is loving blueberries and watermelon at the minute - it is officially the biggest and juiciest watermelon ever and as soon as he picks a chunk up it runs down his arm!

For tea JJ had some philly on toast, half a cinnamon and raisin bagel, some vanilla yogurt and more fruit - a bit of a hotch potch really but he enjoyed most of it but was tired again and had another go at sleeping while eating! It is the funniest and cutest thing to watch.

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