Tuesday, 28 August 2007

shepherds pie

Didn't manage to post yesterday as we had a house full for a BBQ. JJ was pretty grizzly all day and didn't eat much breakfast or lunch. He did enjoy sweet potato, nectarine and greek yogurt with banana for tea though.

JJ had a good breakfast of a weetabix and a few oatibix bitesize. He also had about half a piece of toast at 11 which he stole from me!

Lunch was not touched at all. I had made him a butternut squash and red pepper casserole with french bread. He ate none of it. He has been so clingy and grumpy for a few days - not his usual bubbly self at all. I think it must be teeth (although there are no visible signs) as he seems to be vrying out in pain for a few mins. He is very cuddly which is lovely because he is normally to wriggly to cuddle for long - but I want my little boy back!

Tea surprisingly went down quite well. It was shepherds pie, cauli and cabbage. He ate quite a bit after a rocky start. He also had some homemade rice pudding which he really loved. Fingers crossed he will be back to normal tomorrow.


Laura McIntyre said...

What a smile, i love baby covered in food shots. Hope its just teething and he gets better soon - we are going through the same thing.

mumlollipop said...

Thanks Laura,

It's so frustrating this whole teething business. I miss the way he was and really feel sorry for him. I'm sure he'll be back to normal soon - he has been better today.
Hope your LO doesn't suffer too much xx