I thought JJ had a good breakfast today until I took his pelican bib off to find half of it in there! He doesn't normally drop much at breakfast! He did have 2 good BFs before breakfast though!
Lunch was lovely for us but a bit rubbish for JJ unfortunately. We went to a lovely pub and I ordered a nice margherita pizza and roasted root veg to share with JJ but he was not a happy bunny. He didn't like the seat he was in ( a handysit I think - we loved it but he wanted to rest back and couldn't) so he had a bit of pizza sitting on his dad's lap and that was it.
He did however, have a very large tea! He had homemade turkey and apple sausages x 2, lots of mash, broccoli with cheese sauce, a bowl of yogurt and 3 handfuls of blueberries! It definately made up for the rest of the day.
I also took some video of his 2 spoon swap technique for eating yogurt. I had to prop the camera up on some tea towels so its a bit of a dodgy angle. Just after this he discovered that if he went to throw the spoon on the floor he could get me to give it to him quicker - I had to work hard to keep up! When he did throw his spoon on the floor (I paused for breath!) he decided to thank me for picking it up by stroking my hair with his mashy, cheesy, yogurty hands - nice!
(will post soon)
Well we seem to be back to 'normal' eating now thank goodness!
Blueberries are a def favourite and I have finally managed to find some cereal that she will eat. Weatabix! Although the mess doesn't bear thinking about... it dries like cement!
We tried some chicken goujons today that she had a good go at but not sure how much went in!!
Need to start cooking some stuff and freezing it so we have some 'healthy' foods on tap. I am a bit too much hit and miss at the moment and I am not convinced we are trying enough meat or veg. All seems to be fruit and bread stuff at the moment...
How are you getting on with the receipe blog? Looking forward to pinching some good ideas...
Im always finding food hiding in the bib or down the high chair , except of course times when i sware she is eating nothing. Looking forward to seing the video
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