Sunday, 8 July 2007

3 meals

JJ had a yummy breakfast of shredded wheat, and new foods plum and grapes. He was very funny with the plum as he popped a quarter into his mouth and a few mins later spat out the skin in one piece! Not sure how he does it. The grapes were tricky for him but managed to get a couple in (cut in half) and he bit one in two very cleanly with his gums - cool.

Lunch was Sunday roast beef - he enjoyed sucking on this with green beans, carrots, cauli, and roast potatoes but he was tired and didn't manage much so he finished it of for tea instead along with some melon, nectarine, rusk and breadsticks!!! He just kept eating!


Unknown said...

It has been great reading your blog has given me some confidence in blw, JJ looks fab munching on your culinary delights. look forward to reading more
Em xx

mumlollipop said...


Thanks - its lovely to know people are reading and that it is useful! Have you started BLW with your LO?
Laura x