Saturday, 7 July 2007

Summer(?!) holidays!!!

A green bean in a restaurant.

Naughty Daddy (but JJ did pull it into his mouth!)
I promise he doesn't usually have icecream!

Me and JJ

JJ and his daddy

We were still unpacking hence the mess but it didn't put JJ off his veggies

Yummy yogurt

JJ's first pint......only joking!

We are back from our holidays in very rainy Devon and had a lovely time despite the weather. JJ's routine was a little disturbed and lunch was often at a different time to what he is used to. He was great all holiday and enjoyed all his food. Breakfasts consisted of yogurts (always go down well), melon, toast, etc due to me forgetting his shredded wheat. Lunches were a mixture (and we missed a couple!) I often took food with us for JJ to munch on if needs be such as dates, bread sticks, rice cakes and some nifty cheese I found called Little Moos organic mini cheese portions individually wrapped so perfect for packed lunches. JJ also ate out with us and we gave him bit from our meals (he had some veggies and roasties and some bread and soup).

Hope to keep up to date now and I am planning on introducing a third meal next week as JJ seems to be eating more of his food and seems to be milk feeding more (at night - arggghhhhh!) so I think he may be hungry for more!


michelle said...


Glad you had a good holiday. I live in Devon so I know it rained ALL week. In fact the sun has only come out today!

Sounds and looks like JJ ate well...

We are doing quite well I think. She def enjoys dates and prunes. They are her favourite. She had some toast and part of a bread roll today along with some mango and melon.

I am thinking about introducing a second meal next week as breakfast is going well. Problem is she is usually asleep when we have lunch!

mumlollipop said...


Yeah the rain never stopped and we had to come home early for a funeral so were only there mon-thurs - never mind!

Know what you mean about their meals falling at different times to yours. We have started having our lunch when JJ wakes up. Tea time is a pain though as we usually eat after JJ goes to bed so now we will have to eat early or at least have a snack with him and then eat properly later but this defeats the object of him eating the same food.

I'm sure we will figure something out!

Good luck with lunch!
Laura x