Monday, 11 June 2007

Sweet potato success

Today we tried some boiled sweet potato (must dig out the steamer - lazy mummy!). It was approached with interest by JJ who was still on a high from the broccoli! He demolished lots of it although I am not sure how much was actually eaten. He does worry me as he instantly bites a bit off then shoves more in and I worry he will fill his mouth so much he won't remember to spit it out. Oh well - he survived and seemed to enjoy the experience. I also gave him a baby rice cake. This was a bit scary as it seemed to get eaten but he didn't seem to chew it! I then mushed up a bit of the potato and spread that on for him which he seemed to like (it helped it stick to his fingers so he didn't drop it!)

He also had his old favourite cucumber which he chews on mostly because it feels nice on his gums. I love the squeaky noise it makes as he chews!

I only managed one picture as the battery ran out!

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