Today was carrot day in the form of regular carrot and Organix carrot sticks. Both went down a storm and JJ was orange from head to toe! The Organix sticks (no...not giant wotsits!) were a huge hit - he loved them! He quite enjoyed the real carrots too but they were a bit harder to pick up. He had a bit of a gag today but I stayed calm, he coughed a bit, eyes watered (I could see it at the back of his mouth) I got ready to intervene but I think he swallowed it (it didn't get spat out anyway!) and then he laughed....though it was bloody hilarious! I was impressed with how we both dealt with it really. I have been told and read that the whole gagging thing happens whenever babies eat lumps whether it has been preceded by purees or not so its not just a BLW issue but I hope it doesn't happen too often.
JJ also mastered his new cup today (after about 5 mins of flinging it round his head, sticking it in his eye and generally throwing water everywhere!).
I had such a great time with him today, this BLW lark is so much fun (when Jacob is in the mood!!). He was so cute and he loved every minute. (note to self: must remember to read this when he throws one of my lovely organic creations around the kitchen in disgust...sure to happen soon!)
hi, Lani is similar age to JJ (we're also on IVdec06). We've been doing BLW too.
Just wanted to say Lani has the same cup as JJ in pink though.
Lani hasn't swallowed anything yet i don't think. How long did it take for JJ to swallow things?
Tasha and Iolani
Hi Tasha,
He swallowed things pretty much straight away but hardly anything and I think it was probably mostly by accident. I only really knew this when I saw the nappies - especially broccoli and banana - it is only a very small amount though. I have read it can take a while before they swallow (maybe a month or so I think) but they will when they are ready.
Good luck with it - let me know how you get on and come back and visit soon x Laura x
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