Friday, 21 September 2007

Pizza and Spaghetti

(will post pics soon)
JJ has a horrid cough but still managed a good few oatibix and a bowl of cornflakes for breakie, followed by half a small brioche!

For lunch I needed to use up the second pizza base I'd bought so he had ham and spinach pizza and a pear (a very juicy pear!).

Tea followed the italian theme and was meatballs in tomato sauce with spaghetti and cheese followed by yogurt. His first taste of spaghetti was quite amusing. He picked up the pile and tossed it over the side as I don't think he realised it was food. Then he played with it for a while, then started putting it in his mouth, sucking off the sauce and pulling it back out, before finally eating some! He had such fun. He also enjoyed the meatballs which is good as I don't think he is getting enough meat/iron and I want to try to get him eating more.

Other news - he is loving chasing our cat all over the ground floor now that it is raining and she has come in from the garden. He squeals with excitement but never catches her! He is always bumping his head now he has started cruising the furniture (a real big bump this morning!) and he also finds it hilarious when I out something odd on my head or in my mouth! I couldn't love him any more-he's great!

Off to see nanna and grandad tomorrow so may not post this weekend x


Anonymous said...

Billy went though that stage of bumping his head, i remember him always having a bump on his forehead! It passes

Commonplace iris said...

hi there, haven't commented in a while but I've been checking in.

I've been meaning to say that I wouldn't worry so much about the iron thing. I didn't give my daughter any iron fortified foods, or iron supplements and she had very little meat until late in her first year. She did eat oats, barley, lentils, spinach and egg yolks all of which are good for iron. Also she continued to breastfeed a lot and I make sure I get plenty of iron. (There may not be as much iron in breastmilk as there is in the iron fortified cereal but it's so much easier for the baby to absorb, as I understand it that's why they have to put so much in the cereal -- most of it doesn't get digested.)

It sounds as though JJ is eating much more in the way of iron rich solid foods than my daughter was at his age and when they checked her iron levels at her one year check-up they were absolutely fine (same story for a friend of mine whose daughter is a year older, she didn't do BLW weaning as such but did avoid supplements/fortifed foods, went with naturally iron rich foods and kept breastfeeding).