Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Cheese, tomato and poached peaches

This is JJ's swallowing face! He usually grins afterwards!
He also swiped a bit of my cheese on toast but it fell on the floor after 10 seconds!
Yummy peaches!
JJ had his first try of cheese today - I gave some grated and some batons to see which he preferred and he liked both but wasn't overcome with excitement. The grated was a bit frustrating for him. He likes tomato I think.
The biggest success was the poached peach - I quartered the peach and put it in a bit of water, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a bit of Cinnamon bark and a sprinkle of sugar (naughty mummy) and cooked them till they were soft (I think about 20 mins as they were very hard peaches). He loved them although he only sucked and didn't chew. I was going to poach them in apple juice as I have had a carton in the cupboard for ages (I hate it!) and that would have saved me using sugar (although it was only a tiny bit) but it was out of date so Plan B was water! Great if your fruit is a bit hard.
We were going to singing and I had to take the peach off him which he wasn't too pleased about but he had been sucking on the same bit for 10 mins! He really enjoyed singing though, as did his friend Luca who was grooving with the maracas! It has worn him out and he is still fast asleep - peace at last!

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